Installing HoneyPy

System Requirements

  • Linux
  • Python 2.7


NOTE: You can run HoneyPy from any directory on your file system. For the purposes of this documentaiton /opt/HoneyPy will be referenced.

Download the latest release from

Example script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

cd /opt
curl -L -o HoneyPy.tar.gz${latest}.tar.gz
tar -xzf HoneyPy.tar.gz
mv HoneyPy-${latest} HoneyPy

Or you can clone the repository from Github with from

Example script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

cd /opt
git clone

WARNING: Cloning the repository will pull any development changes that may be a work in progress. As a result you may experience bugs or breaks. Current build status Build Status


Before you can run HoneyPy you must ensure you have all required Python module dependencies installed. For a list of the dependencies see the requirements.txt file. It is recommended to install dependencies using pip.

NOTE: Installing dependencies on your base system will require root access. Recommended alternatives to install dependencies and run HoneyPy are Virtualenv or pipenv as described below. Both create isolated Python environments, which may be beneficial if you are running other Python scripts and their dependencies on the same system. However, if you are using a dedicated system, or even a container, to run HoneyPy, then Virtualenv/pipenv may not be necessary.

To install dependencies globally with pip and the requirements.txt file run:

cd /opt/HoneyPy
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

To install dependencies using Virtualenv run:

cd /opt/HoneyPy
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

To install dependencies using pipenv run:

cd /opt/HoneyPy
pipenv install
pipenv shell

NOTE: Please keep in mind that you have to activate the Virtualenv/pipenv before using HoneyPy.


There are several options for how you can launch and run HoneyPy, console mode, daemon mode, and on boot (also daemon mode).

WARNING: It is highly recommended to NOT run HoneyPy as root. It is recommended to create a dedicated user account for running HoneyPy.


You can run HoneyPy in console mode. From any terminal run:

cd /opt/HoneyPy

NOTE: You can leverage the screen utility to run HoneyPy in console mode. Using screen will keep HoneyPy running even if you lose your terminal connection.

Example creating a screen session for HoneyPy:

screen -S MyHoneyPyConsole

Example recovering the HoneyPy screen session:

screen -r MyHoneyPyConsole


You can run HoneyPy as a daemon process. From any terminal run:

/opt/ -d &

On Boot

Configuring your system to launch HoneyPy on system boot will depend on what version of Linux you are using. Most likely you will need a startup script. HoneyPy comes with an example startup script, honeypyd, which has been tested on Debian (Jessie). You can find this script in the /opt/HoneyPy/etc/ directory. View the top section of the stript for instructions. To view this script on Github, click here.